Python Current Thread State Collection

Each native thread is mapped to one PyThreadState structure which contains information about the corresponding Python thread.

Perforator utilizes multiple ways to obtain current *PyThreadState in eBPF context - reading from Thread Local Storage (TLS) and extracting from global variables - such as _PyRuntime or others. The combination of these approaches and caching helps to improve the accuracy of the *PyThreadState collection.

Reading *PyThreadState from TLS

In Python 3.12+, a pointer to current thread's PyThreadState is stored in a Thread Local Storage variable called _PyThreadState_Current.

In an eBPF program, the pointer to userspace thread structure can be retrieved by reading thread.fsbase from the task_struct structure. This structure can be obtained with the bpf_get_current_task() helper. The Thread Local Image will be to the left of the pointer stored in thread.fsbase.

The exact offset of thread local variable _PyThreadState_Current in Thread Local Image is unknown yet. Therefore, the disassembler is used to find the offset of _PyThreadState_Current.

_PyThreadState_GetCurrent is a simple getter function which returns the pointer from _PyThreadState_Current thread local variable and looks somewhat like this:

Optimized build:

000000000028a0b0 <_PyThreadState_GetCurrent@@Base>:
  28a0b0:       f3 0f 1e fa             endbr64
  28a0b4:       64 48 8b 04 25 f8 ff    mov    %fs:0xfffffffffffffff8,%rax
  28a0bb:       ff ff
  28a0bd:       c3                      ret
  28a0be:       66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax

Debug build:

0000000001dad910 <_PyThreadState_GetCurrent>:
 1dad910:       55                      push   %rbp
 1dad911:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
 1dad914:       48 8d 3d 15 6e 65 00    lea    0x656e15(%rip),%rdi        # 2404730 <_PyRuntime>
 1dad91b:       e8 10 00 00 00          callq  1dad930 <current_fast_get>
 1dad920:       5d                      pop    %rbp
0000000001db7c50 <current_fast_get>:
 1db7c50:       55                      push   %rbp
 1db7c51:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
 1db7c54:       48 89 7d f8             mov    %rdi,-0x8(%rbp)
 1db7c58:       64 48 8b 04 25 00 00    mov    %fs:0x0,%rax
 1db7c5f:       00 00
 1db7c61:       48 8d 80 f8 ff ff ff    lea    -0x8(%rax),%rax
 1db7c68:       48 8b 00                mov    (%rax),%rax
 1db7c6b:       5d                      pop    %rbp
 1db7c6c:       c3                      retq

Looking at these functions, the offset relative to %fs register which is used to access _PyThreadState_Current variable in userspace can be extracted for later use in the eBPF program.

Restoring the mapping native_thread_id -> *PyThreadState using _PyRuntime global state

Starting from Python 3.7, there is a global state for CPython runtime - _PyRuntime. The address of this global variable can be found in the .dynsym section. This structure contains the list of Python interpreter states represented by _PyInterpreterState structure.

From each _PyInterpreterState, the pointer to the head of *PyThreadState linked list can be extracted.

Each PyThreadState structure stores a field native_thread_id which can be checked against current TID to find the correct Python thread.

Using all this knowledge, the linked list of *PyThreadState structures can be traversed and the BPF map with the mapping native_thread_id -> *PyThreadState can be filled. This mapping can be further used.

Combination of both approaches

By combining both approaches, we can improve the accuracy of the stack collection. _PyThreadState_Current is NULL if the current OS thread is not holding a GIL. In this case, the mapping native_thread_id -> *PyThreadState can be used to find the correct *PyThreadState. Also, occasionally we need to trigger the PyThreadState linked list traversal to fill the map.

Collecting the stack of threads which are not holding a GIL is crucial for a more accurate picture of what the program is doing. The OS thread may be blocked on I/O operations or executing compression/decompression off-GIL.