How to build

There are two primary ways to build Perforator:

  1. Build inside Docker container. This method is more convenient if you simply want to obtain working binaries, because it has no host requirements besides Docker.
  2. Build directly on host. This method is more convenient if you want to contribute to Perforator (i.e. if you need to quickly patch source code and iterate)


Perforator consists of several binaries, located in perforator/cmd directory.

Currently following components exist:

  • agent
  • cli
  • gc
  • migrate
  • offline_processing
  • proxy
  • storage
  • web

Building inside a container


While this guide assumes you are using Docker, any other BuildKit-compatible tool should work as well.

Example usage

# See above for possible ${COMPONENT} values
# Add flags such as `--tag` or `--push` as necessary
docker build -f --target ${COMPONENT} ../../..

This command will build the desired component and create an image.

To obtain a standalone cli binary, you can do this:

# Replace tmp with cli image name
id=$(docker create tmp -- /)
docker cp ${id}:/perforator/cli .
# Now ./cli is Perforator cli
./cli version
# Cleanup
docker rm ${id}

Building directly on host

We use yatool to build Perforator. The only dependency is Python 3.12+.

To build any component, simply run from the repository root:

./ya make -r <relative path to binary>

It will build binary in the <relative path to binary> directory in the release mode. If you want to build fully static executable without dynamic linker, add flag --musl to the build command. Such executable can be safely transferred between different Linux machines.

There's also a convenient way to build all binaries in one command:

./ya make -r perforator/bundle

Binaries will be available in perforator/bundle directory.

To create a docker image for a component named foo:

  1. Prepare a directory which will be a build context
  2. Put foo binary in the directory root
  3. Additionally, when building Perforator proxy, put create_llvm_prof binary in the directory root
  4. Run docker build -f perforator/deploy/docker/Dockerfile.prebuilt --target foo path/to/context with other flags as necessary.


Note that Ya has local caches to speed up subsequent builds. Default cache locations are ~/.ya/build and ~/.ya/tools. If you do not wish to leave these artifacts in your host system, please use Docker with provided Dockerfiles.

All microservices required to run in full fledged environment are located in perforator/cmd directory. If you wish to record flamegraph locally you can build perforator/cmd/cli tool.

Note that initial building process can take a long time and consumes ~10GiB of disk space. Perforator uses LLVM extensively to analyze binaries and we love static builds, so unfortunately we need to compile a lot of LLVM internals.